
Empowering Our Community

Checkerspot is proud to sponsor community events and partner with local and global organizations that align with our vision of empowerment. We are constantly seeking new ways to engage and empower the community and encourage you to get in touch with any opportunities that we can support.

Ski Guide Harrison Brickman demonstrates efficient beacon search techniques at the WNDR Rendezvous backcountry safety clinic.

Mel Mgill, backcountry ski leader and member of our WNDR community, with a group of ladies in the backcountry during our first annual WNDR Women ROOST Event.

We loved joining forces with Builders VC and Notable Labs to work together to build playhouses for the Habitat for Humanity Bay Area.

This last year, Checkerspot scientists mentored a team of UC Davis Biochemical Engineering students for their Capstone project. Despite the difficulties posed by remote collaboration, the team won the best Biochemical Engineering Senior Design Award!